Eek! the Cat 1992

Animation Adventure Comedy

The comical misadventures of Eek, a kind-hearted anthropomorphic purple cat who finds himself in constant mortal danger while trying to help others. The show had two more segments - The Terrible Thunderlizards and Klutter.

Todos los títulos
  • CA: Eek! the Cat Eek! the Cat
  • BR: Eek! O Gato Eek! O Gato
  • BG: Котаракът Ийк Котаракът Ийк
  • CA: Eek! The Cat Eek! The Cat
  • CA: Kocour Raplík Kocour Raplík
  • DK: Eek! Det var kattens Eek! Det var kattens
  • DE: Eek! The Cat Eek! The Cat
  • HU: Nyekk, a macska Nyekk, a macska
  • IT: Fl-eek Stravaganza Fl-eek Stravaganza
  • RU: Кот Ик Кот Ик
  • ES: Eek! El gato Eek! El gato
  • TR: Ciyak Kedi Ciyak Kedi
  • US: Eek! The Cat Eek! The Cat
  • US: Eek!stravaganza Eek!stravaganza
  • CA: Eek!stravaganza Eek!stravaganza
Fecha de lanzamiento 11 Sep 1992
Enlace IMDb

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